Saturday 16 June 2012

The newbie in the HousE!

Assalamualaikum serta selamat sejahtera!

Well as you can see, this is my first blog ever..



ermm... yaa.. First time ever! duhh! take it easy~

Yes, that's right! this is my first blog ever. And this is also the first post ever of mine. hahaha. rasa macam noob gila. ;p. For your guys information, blog ni didedikasikan kepada lecturer aku yang baik lagi manis, Miss Salina Safian, kerana beliaulah pencetus revolusi aku untuk buat blog ni. yes miss! Technology! Technology! *she always said that. hee~..
 Actually Miss Salina Safian ni lecturer subjek Information Technology (IT) for our class this semester. So basically this is one of our assignments laa for that subject, making a 'Blog'.  Itu pasal laa baru nak tergedik-gedik buat blog ni hohh!. So kalau macam loser-loser sikit tu harap maklum laa ea..
Ouh sebelum terlupa, aku nak ucapkan jutaan terima kasih jugak to all my friends yang tolong support-support aku buat blog ni. Jasa kalian amatlah dihargai. Yang tak tolong tu, aku pun ucapkan terima kasih jugak laa. Terharu sangat guys *tangan di dada, mata ke atas.
Ok laa, i think that's all for now. Nak cerita panjang-panjang pon aku tau korang boring kan? kan? :P
Anyway, thanks a lot. Hingga ketemu lagi ya, Insha Allah !! :)

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