Tuesday 26 June 2012

Lesson section:: Information Technology MGT300 (Part 1)

Assalamualaikum, hey guys!

and welcome to you to :

"The section where basically I will share or comment about the chapters that I have learn in Information Technology (IT) class. This section is also part of the IT assignment where each one of us must share, insight or comment about what we have learn each week"
                                             - Muhammad Hanif bin Mohd Hambali

 ouh ya, shall we start?..

    So, for this week I am going to share about chapter 1 and 2 of IT's subject which is focussing the IT in the context of business. Alright, first of all, what is Information Technology?.. Ok, let's make it simpler. It's me who ask the question, so it's gonna be me who answer it. How's that? hehehe..

Ok, As Miss Salina Safian told us, Information Technology or IT is a  field concerned with use of technology in managing and processing information. *(ermm.. english please).. 
Duhh~ Ok!-_-". It's actually the use of technology in organizing of information. Ya! we use the technology in many ways. Especially in business which can drive towards success and innovative.  *Technology! technology! right miss? hee~  
                                                         * Miss Salina: hehehehe.. 

 Management Information System 
So, what is MIS? no idea? huhh?.. Ok.. again, like before.. it's me who ask the question, so it's gonna be me who answer it. hehehe.. MIS (Management Information System) is actually a general name for the business function academic discipline covering the application of  peopletechnologies, and  procedures  which been gathered as information system in order to solve problems. It's just like other business function such as Accounting, Finance and others.

Ouhh, there's also some  important things  to understand when study IT. And there is:                                      
 1.  Data - raw facts that describe the characteristic of an event.
 2.  Information - data that converted into a meaningful and useful context.
 3.  Business Intelligent - applications and technologies that are used to gather, provide access to and analyse data and information to support decision making efforts.
 4.  IT Resources - that is: 1. People 
                                           2. Information 
                                           3. Information Technology 
 5.  IT Cultures -
                           I. Information Functional Culture
                          II. Information Sharing Culture
                         III. Information Inquiring Culture
                         IV. Information Discovery Culture 

                                                             ...... .....

   Emm.. is that all?
        so, we're finished?.. 

                                                 err, not yet actually. There's more..

                      ermm ya, there's more..
                     Ok let's just proceed, ok?

     hee~ chill man. just be patient..

In chapter 2, it's basically about identifying competitive advantages

So, what is competitive advantage?.  Ok.. again, as usual, it's me who ask, and it's gonna be me who answer it.   *more "simple" huhh?

 Competitive Advantage 

   In order to survive and advance, an organization must create a  competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is actually a product or service that an organization's customer place a greater value of that organization rather than other competitor. 

 First-mover advantage  - Occurs when an organization can significantly impact its market share by being first to market with a competitive advantage.

 Environmental scanning  - the acquisition and analysis of events and trends in the external environment of the organization in order to organization watch their competitive.

 Porter's five forces model 
determines the relative attractiveness of an industry

    Porter's three generic strategies 

        - Organization typically follow one of Porter's three generic
          strategies when entering a new market  

Value Creation 
Combining Porter’s Five Forces and three generic  strategies create business strategies for each segment

Value Chain 

Value chains with Porter's five forces

Finally.. Done! thats all for now!..

  huhh? really? it's done?

                                       yup! it's all done, for now..

ouh finally!! yeahh! yeahh!!!

                                           duhh~ dude, take it easy. Be thankful.. :)

yea that's right. That's it for now.
Anyway, thanks guys. We'll meet again next time, insya Allah..

1 comment:

  1. Hi, nice article. Can u indicate me what is the source of ur last model: Porter's value chain with the 5 forces?
