Saturday 8 September 2012

Lesson Section:: Information Technology MGT300 (Part 2)

"The section where basically I will share or comment about the chapters that I have learn in Information Technology (IT) class. This section is also part of the IT assignment where each one of us must share, insight or comment about what we have learn each week"
                                                      - Muhammad Hanif bin Mohd Hambali

Assalamualikum and hye guys!
Welcome again to "Lesson Section" part 2.

So, how you guys doing? great, isn't it?  I've figured it out already. yeahh! ~
First of all I wanna say that I'm terribly sorry to Miss Salina for the late entry of my blog's post. Well you know, I'm kinda busy lately, got too many assignments to settled (*and still lots more to be settled) and sometimes our class been cancelled and such. *too many excuses eah?

Okay, for this session I'm going to share about 2 topics of information technology and that is  "Strategic initiatives for implementing  competitive advantages" and "Measuring the success of strategic initiatives".

Strategic initiatives for implementing competitive advantages

So, the strategic initiatives for implementing competitive advantages is consists of :
      - Supply Chain Management (SCM)

      - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

      - Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

      - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

First, SCM - Supply Chain Management:-
as a producer, an effective and efficient SCM system should be emphasized in order to decrease the power of its buyer, increase its own supplier power and etc.

Example of supply chain. 
Producer have to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the supply management in order to create appropriate supply chain.

Second, CRM - Customer Relationship Management:-

ermm.. basically its about creating and managing all aspects of relationship between customers and the organization. A good relationship may results in good success! right? believe me, I've experienced this.

Third, BPR - Business Process Reengineering:-

Business process reengineering is process of analysis and redesign the workflow within and between enterprises.

Fourth (*finally. hee~), EPR - Enterprise Resource Planning:-

ERP is a system of collecting data from across an organization and correlates the data generating an enterprise wide view.

Measuring the success of strategic initiative

Alright, the first thing that we gonna know about measuring the success of Information Technology is a "Key Performance Indicator"

*Im sorry, what is key performance indicator?

Key performance indicator? emm, Key performance indicator is a measures that are tied to a business drivers. It is commonly used by an organization to evaluate its success of each activity in that organization.

*emm.. so, the key performance indicator is about??...

ouh, ok. let me simplify. Basically key performance indicator is a method that being use to measure a success of a particular activity. Different activities will use a different method of KPI. For example, Marketing department may use different KPI than the production department. This is because its depends on what the department measuring the performance. got it?

*ya, got it! now I understand (*nodding head several times) =D

p/s: thanks to wikipedia!

                               Okay, so then how to evaluating the success? 

ok, its can be measure by the level of 'Metric'. So let's me explain what are the metrics is.
  Metrics are detailed measures that feed KPI. The measure of this metrics are by the efficiency and effectiveness.
      i. Efficiency IT metric - measures the performance of the IT system itself including throughput, speed, and availability.

      ii. Effectiveness IT metric - measure the impact IT has on business processes and activities including customer satisfaction, conversion rates, and sell-through increases.


Benchmarks - Baseline values the system seeks to attain.
Benchmarking is a process of continuously measuring system results, compairing those results to optimal system performance (benchmark's value), and identifying steps and procedures to improve system performance.

Metrics also can be used for strategic initiatives in order to evaluates the system so that the scorecard will be balanced and the results, it can enables organizations to measure strategic initiatives.

Emm that's it for now.
We'll meet again, insya Allah~

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