Saturday 15 September 2012

Lesson Section:: Information Technology MGT300 (Part 4)

Assalamualaikum! what's up guys!

and again, welcome to lesson section part 4

"The section where basically I will share or comment about the chapters that I have learn in Information Technology (IT) class. This section is also part of the IT assignment where each one of us must share, insight or comment about what we have learn each week"
                                             - Muhammad Hanif bin Mohd Hambali

Okay, for this session I'm gonna post about "Storing Organizational Information (Databases)" and "Assessing Organizational Infromation (Data Warehouse)". Basically both topics are from chapter 7 and 8 of Information Technology's subject.
 *tribute to Miss Salina

So, lets get it on!

Chapter 7 - Databases. 

ermm, what is databases?

Databases is a maintains information about various types of objects (inventory), events (transaction), people (employees), and places (warehouse). So basically databases is used to store information because information is everywhere in an organization. 
*Right miss? hee~

There is some models of databases which is:
*as Miss Salina told us, there are several models that organization used in order to stored information.

1. Hierarchical databases model

2. Network database model

4. Relational databases model

So what are the advantages of the uses of the databases in business perspective?

By database, the business organization can gain:

      - Increased flexibility.
      - Increased scalability and performance.
      - Reduced information redundancy.
      - Increased information integrity (quality).
      - Increased information security.

In IT, they managed the databases by using database management system.

Database management system is a software through which users 
and application programs interact with a databases. *which means all the information been stored in one software so that the other user of the organization can access the info through one medium only.

In order to passing the information, an organization will integrate information among multiple databases. Which consists of:

   1. Forward integration 
   2. Backward integration  

In general view, for this chapter we are learning about the databases which the place where the organization stored their information so that will ease them in order to assist in making decision.

Chapter 8 - data warehouse

                                Data warehouse?

Ya, data warehouse..
                           What is data warehouse?

Data warehouse is a logical collection of information, gathered from many different operational databases that support business analysis activities and decision-making tasks.

The multidimensional analysis and data mining

Example of cube-common term for the representation of multidimensional information.

data mining - the process of analyzing data to extract information 
not offered by the raw data alone.

In this chapter also explained about information clensing and scrubbing
 which a process that weeds out and fixes or discards inconsistent, incorrect, or incomplete information.

emm, that's all for my point of view about those both chapters. 
We'll meet again. Insya Allah. :)

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